Terraria: Journey’s End Now Available on Nintendo Switch!
Terraria: Journey’s End Now Available on Nintendo Switch!
Switch Terrarians, it is here at last… welcome to Journey’s End!
Initially released in May 2020 for PC, Journey’s End brings Terraria to the next level, to a place where the core game can finally be called “complete”. From new ways to play the game, to over 1000 new items to find and craft, to new bosses to challenge, and even a full-pass review of all content of the game for balance, graphic quality, and mechanics – truly, Journey’s End has something for everyone. We cannot wait to see your reactions as you dive in to all that this update has to offer, and we hope that you thoroughly enjoy our gift to you. It has been an amazing journey indeed… but we truly feel that this end is really just a new beginning for the amazing world of Terraria.

Terraria: Journey’s End contains so much in the way of content and new features, that we felt it would be best to refer you over to the main Journey’s End Changelog from the PC launch for the full details. To be clear, at this point, there are a couple of things that exist on PC and/or other Consoles that are NOT currently supported by Terraria: Journey’s End on Nintendo Switch:
Texture Packs & Modding are not currently possible on Nintendo Switch. This is something the team will explore as we move forward – but we cannot currently make any promises one way or the other.
Splitscreen + Online (in combination) Multiplayer is not currently supported – this will be explored at a later update, as we did not want to delay the launch to chase the many edge case issues this specific situation creates.
Nintendo Switch can only support two player Splitscreen at this time
Nintendo Switch does not currently allow for local/Bluetooth multiplayer, the team will be looking into this in a future patch
Keyboard and Mouse controls are not currently supported on Switch
Crossplay is currently not supported for Terraria – this is a feature that the team plans to explore once all active platforms are at content parity. We cannot promise whether or not we will succeed in this effort nor what form it will take, but we will attempt to make it a reality.
That being said, let’s dive into a few of the more cool/bigger features:
A host of new settings and options, ranging from graphic quality to control profiles and much, much more!
Touch Controls are Back and Better than Ever!
Horizontal vs Vertical Splitscreen Toggle
Revised Gamepad mapping to account for the wide range of Journey’s End controls – adjusted Defaults (Console Legacy/Red’s Pick, Advanced, Simplified) as well!
UI Changes to account for Journey’s End Features
Evolved versions of Dpad Hotbar and Dpad Snap
With this evolved version of these long-standing features, you can now do things that you could not do previously:
– Dpad Hotbar can now be mapped to 0-4 buttons. Previously, this was an all-or-nothing feature.
– Dpad Snap can now be mapped separately (LB+Dpad) in the video – so that players can now use Dpad Hotbar and Dpad Snap at the same time.
By Default in Classic controls, Dpad Snap is on and no Dpad Hotbar buttons are mapped, we leave this up to you, the player.
Over 1000 new items (beyond 1.3.5), bringing the total item count to over 5000!
New Critters to find, Enemies to Battle, and two new Boss Encounters!
New minibiomes
Blood Moon and Lava Fishing are expanded
Brand new epic Terraria Music
and much, much more!
Journey Mode provides a more accessible Terraria experience by placing the power to create the gameplay you desire in the palm of your hands. Research blocks that you dig up, items that you find, and enemies that you defeat in order to gain the limitless power to duplicate or to adjust the difficulty of the game to your whims. At last, you can have the Terraria experience perfectly tailored to your desires… the only limit is your imagination!
With Great Power Comes Great Accessibility – Introducing Terraria’s New Journey Mode
How will all of this work on Switch? Well this is where some of the new Switch UI changes come into play. Here are just a few examples:
Research & Duplication are located within Inventory on Switch – so you can Research, Duplicate, Craft, and Repeat all without leaving your Inventory Screen!
Control the Weather, Difficulty, Enemy Spawns… Godmode… and much more with your Journey Powers located in Settings!
A next-level challenge intended for those skilled, brave, or foolish enough to take it on, Master Mode represents the ultimate Terraria challenge. Unrelenting, Master Mode will punish your every mistake and force you to prepare and up your game like never before. Do you have what it takes to prove that you are a Master of Terraria?
Time to hit the links in the world of Terraria! That’s right, Journey’s End brings the timeless game of golf to Terraria. Featuring an array of golf clubs, scorekeeping, and more, Terraria Golf introduces a whole new way to play. Create your own epic golf courses, share them with your friends, and then meet up on the links to challenge each other – who can hit the ball the longest, who has the best short game, and who has what it takes to make that clutch putt when it’s all on the line?
Want to learn more? Check out our Feature Article all about Terraria Golf!
FORE-RRARIA! Hitting the Links with Terraria Golf
Beware! For when too many tombstones gather together, the air shall chill and the mists roll in… what mysteries will you find buried six feet deep in the Graveyard?
As a part of Journey’s End, the team examined and re-examined the balance of the content in the game. From start to finish, no stone was left unturned and no gear left unaccounted for. In the end, what remains is a full rebalancing of the game from top to bottom. Stats have changed, functionality has changed. There is no better time to start a fresh playthrough and experience the new Terraria for the first time!
Read all about the Revisit and Rebalance via the Article below!
What was Old is Made New Again: Revisting the Terraria Experience
The world of Terraria is so chock-full of content, it can be hard to keep track of it all! Sure, the Guide has you covered for crafting recipes and the Terraria Wiki is fantastic – but don’t you wish there was a way to know more about your foes? Where can I find the Lost Girl? How much health does a Derpling have? How many coins can I get from farming Jellyfish? Wonder no more, for the Terraria Bestiary is here!
As you defeat foes, you will learn more and more about them – key stats, locations, drop rates, background info and more!
Learn all about the Terraria Bestiary by reading our Feature Article on the topic!
Mythical Beasts & Where to Farm Them: Exploring Terraria’s Bestiary
During Journey’s End development, we conducted a focus group with all of the Terraria NPCs. Outside of some very strange requests (no, Guide, we cannot ‘remove all doors at night’), their feedback was very clear: they are tired of being shoved into tiny cubicles or L shaped tubes and they want you to know this!
In order to help raise NPC morale so that they could be at their very best – and to reward players who go that extra mile to treat their NPCs with the respect they deserve, we are introducing the NPC Happiness System. How does it work? What does this mean for you? We have provided some details below, but you can check out our full Feature Article on the topic linked below as well!
Expand Your Terraria Empire – Pylons, Town Building, and NPC Happiness
What affects NPC Happiness?
NPCs are happier when you locate them in biomes that they prefer
NPCs are happier when they like their neighbors
NPCs are happier when they are not overcrowded with other NPCs
Adding nice furniture and aesthetics doesn’t directly affect NPC Happiness… but it sure will make you feel better about yourself when your friends come over for a visit. 😉
What Happens if my NPCs are Happy/Unhappy?
NPC Shop prices will adjust based upon how happy each NPC is at the time
If you make an NPC happy enough, you will gain access to a Pylon for that Biome (more on this below!)
How can I tell if my NPCs are Happy?
You will notice a new dialogue option for Happiness for each NPC
This will give you hints about what might make them happier as well!
We briefly mentioned these mysterious Pylons in our section on things you can get with happy NPCs. So what are these, and why should you care? Well, if you have enough happy NPCs in a given biome, you will unlock the use of a Pylon for that biome. Pylons allow you to instantly teleport from one Pylon to another! With Pylons in place, your “big central base” now becomes an interconnected network of cool outposts all over the world, allowing you to get around quickly without the need to lay tracks or teleporters… and providing you a home away from home wherever you are!
You can only have one Pylon of a given biome type placed at a time (so you can not have, for example, an Ocean Pylon at both Oceans)
Pylons must be placed in their aligned biome in order to function (you can place them anywhere else, but they will not work!)
Pylons must also have two nearby (and living) NPCs in order to function – again, the idea here is to reward building those bases/towns! 🙂
Pylons cannot be used during Boss Battles or Invasion Events!
Pylons are quite easy to use. Once placed in their aligned biome, you simply click on a nearby pylon. This will take you to the map screen where you can locate another placed pylon to which you want to teleport, click it and off you go!
Journey’s End has so much more to find and experience – we hope this very top-level summary has made you more familiar with some of the bigger features.